Monday, June 17, 2013

Scooter Ride

Last night we went for a family walk around the block.  Well, a partial family walk.  The older two stayed home so the Tall One, Ranger, Pixie and I took the dogs out.  The girls rode their scooters.  

A few months ago I had taken to hiding Pixie's scooter because she was so terrible at it that a 100 yard walk took 30 minutes and always ended with me carrying a scooter (is there a comfortable way to do this? I always end up banging myself in the leg no matter how I carry it) and a crying 3 year old.  Not fun. 

But, last night I was in a good mood and decided that after hours of practice in the driveway we would attempt for her to scooter around the block.  And Tall One was along to carry the scooter if it all fell apart.  We rounded the first two corners with no problems as Tall One and I talked about how much better Pixie was on the scooter and watched Ranger perform tricks on hers.  Then, right as we stop to talk to a neighbor there is a crash and a cry.  

Somehow, standing still, Pixie had managed to fall and hit her eye.  Our dear neighbor gets a bag of ice, but in the way 3year olds have, Pixie refuses to actually put the ice on her swelling eye.  We’re talking about a cut on her eyebrow and abrasions under here eye and a black eye forming as we watch. We offer to carry her home but she wants to ride the scooter.  I gotta say that my heart swelled a bit with pride.  

That’s my girl- not stopped by busted eye.  Mommy finally let her ride that scooter around the block and she is NOT giving that up.  

We did stop by another neighbor’s house for a quick medical consult that she didn’t need any stitches, and then all the way home.  We washed it out and put her to bed.  She was asleep before Tall One left the room.  We hope to make family walks a habit but I could do without the drama.  That will never happen- not in our house.

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