Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Brownies for Breakfast

If I was a cool and fun mom that title would refer to the fact that I let my kids eat brownies for breakfast.  However, I'm not.  So the title refers to the fact that I ate partially stale brownies in my car on the way to work.  They weren't homemade brownies, nor were they even my brownies.  They were brownies left over from a scout meeting last night.  When I dropped the youngest at preschool and opened the back of the van to grab her backpack, I spotted them.  Much better than the cheese stick I hastily grabbed while running out the door. After drop off (I'm not sharing the found brownies!) I put the container on the console beside my seat.  Every good dieter knows that you should pull out the portion you want to eat and shouldn't eat out of the container, but when you are eating brownies for breakfast does it really matter?  My solace is that I now have a great empty plastic container to use for..... hmmmm?  Gotta be something productive that can come out of this.